Thursday, April 30, 2009

50 Days of Affirmations

We know our truth, but sometimes we need someone else to exclaim, "Girl, you're amazing!"  A couple of years ago, I was inspired by the dynamic life coach and best-selling author, Debbie Ford, who challenged me to join in the Summer Self-Esteem Game.  

Here's how it worked: First, I needed to choose a buddy, someone with whom I felt comfortable sharing my insecurities and fears.  Next, I invited her to join me in a 50-day challenge, where we would text, email, or phone messages that empowered each other to, as Debbie says, "blast through our limitations."  Thus, it was important to choose a buddy with whom I could honestly share those negative thoughts and beliefs that were keeping me from radiating my light.  

My youngest sister said YES to this challenge, and for 50 consecutive days we "blasted" each other with love.  Girl, you can't beat that!  Here are some affirmations that we exchanged: 

*God doesn't make junk.  I am good enough, just as I am. 

*I deserve to live with vast amounts of self-love and joy, beginning today. 

*I am a genius, and the challenge is to uncover the genius within my soul.  

*My ideas and opinions matter, and they reflect the kind and gentle person that I am. 

*I am a Goddess of Possibility.  I inspire others and help them to see that anything is possible.

This was a powerful process for me.  It confirmed my belief that when we open ourselves up to vulnerability, we open ourselves up to deeper relationships and enduring self-love.  This summer, I challenge you to take the plunge and invite someone to be a part of your world.  Play the game.  You can't lose.  I promise.

But please . . .come back and tell us about it!    

P.S. Click HERE for Debbie Ford's free affirmations.  


mirmorris said...

Count me in! What an inspirational post!

Anonymous said...

i'm glad i was apart of this with you...i still read some of those affirmations today!